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On-Demand Webinar: The 3 Amazon traffic hacks you’re overlooking
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December 14, 2023
6:00 pm

On-Demand Webinar: The 3 Amazon traffic hacks you’re overlooking

In our webinar, Jon Derkits, partner at The Master Agency highlights the top three outside-the-box traffic hacks—all within the Amazon Terms of Service—that he uses to boost traffic to his own, and his client’s, Amazon listings.

Ryan Burgess
Head of Growth
Jon Derkits
December 14, 2023

How do you boost off-site traffic back to your listings on Amazon? Especially if you sell in a category where CPCs are sky high, you’re going to need to find methods beyond Amazon’s sponsored ads to drive traffic. 

Amazon offers a number of built-in tools, like Amazon Attribution, to help drive and analyze external traffic to Amazon. But brands that only use Amazon’s features are missing out on a lot of potential strategies. 

Jon Derkits, partner at The Master Agency and owner of an 8-figure brand portfolio, has been on the cutting edge of harnessing off-site traffic for years. In our webinar, he highlights the top three outside-the-box traffic hacks—all within the Amazon Terms of Service—that he uses to boost traffic to his own, and his client’s, Amazon listings.

What We’ll Cover

12/13/2023 19:00
On-Demand Webinar: The 3 Amazon traffic hacks you’re overlooking


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On-Demand Webinar: The 3 Amazon traffic hacks you’re overlooking

In our webinar, Jon Derkits, partner at The Master Agency highlights the top three outside-the-box traffic hacks—all within the Amazon Terms of Service—that he uses to boost traffic to his own, and his client’s, Amazon listings.
December 14, 2023
Ryan Burgess

How do you boost off-site traffic back to your listings on Amazon? Especially if you sell in a category where CPCs are sky high, you’re going to need to find methods beyond Amazon’s sponsored ads to drive traffic. 

Amazon offers a number of built-in tools, like Amazon Attribution, to help drive and analyze external traffic to Amazon. But brands that only use Amazon’s features are missing out on a lot of potential strategies. 

Jon Derkits, partner at The Master Agency and owner of an 8-figure brand portfolio, has been on the cutting edge of harnessing off-site traffic for years. In our webinar, he highlights the top three outside-the-box traffic hacks—all within the Amazon Terms of Service—that he uses to boost traffic to his own, and his client’s, Amazon listings.

In this webinar, he discusses:

Leveraging social media promo codes. You can offer special discounts to Instagram and Facebook users to encourage them to click over to your Amazon pages. Many brands promote them in low-cost, high-visibility settings like Facebook groups. 

But how big of a discount do you offer? Where is the best place to promote the codes? And how do you monitor the effectiveness of the traffic that results? 

Buying media assets that scale. Instead of spending $5,000 on PPC ads, you can buy a Facebook group for the same price, and then target members of that FB group with offers and promos to drive conversions. Jon explains how this strategy works and shows you how to find media assets for sale. 

Experimenting with third-party tools. A number of third-party tools, like SmartScout, allow you to analyze both your own brand’s shopper journeys and those of your competitors. By figuring out how your shoppers come to you, you can identify the best off-site traffic interventions, like giveaways, that encourage new customers to purchase from you on Amazon.

Ryan Burgess
Head of Growth, Intentwise
Ryan is the Head of Growth at Intentwise leading the sales and marketing strategies. He has over 10 years of Amazon Advertising experience and is an expert at all things related to Amazon.

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