Brand Guideline and Assets

Here you can find official Intentwise logos and executive photos. All Intentwise trademarks, logos are subject to Intentwise’s Usage Agreement.

Color palette

Primary color palette

HEX: #353848
RGB: 53, 56, 72

HEX: #EA4146
RGB: 234, 65, 70

RGB: 255, 255, 255

Secondary color palette

HEX: #646DAA
RGB: 100, 109, 170

RGB: 236, 189, 38

HEX: #44475B
RGB: 68, 71, 91


We wanted our font to be simple and beautiful. Lato represents our brand’s emphasis on simplicity and approachability.

Photo Assets

Sreenath Reddy​, CEO, Founder

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Raghu Kashyap​, CTO, Founder

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