How BetterBody Foods Supercharged Its Internal Dashboards

Intentwise’s flexible software handled the data collection and organization for BetterBody’s internal dashboards, saving them 10 hours per day.

Hours per week saved on data pulls
New reports collected with Intentwise

How Intentwise helped:

  • Saved BetterBody Foods 50 hours per week on manually pulling data from Amazon for its internal dashboard
  • Gave the brand access to 30 new reports it hadn’t collected previously
  • Made it easy to duplicate its internal dashboard suite across three different countries 

The problem: 

Over the years, BetterBody Foods, a leading health foods brand, had built an internal dashboard system it liked. 

The problem was, these dashboards needed to be updated manually. And BetterBody didn’t have the staff to refresh them more than once a week.

 “We wanted a fully automated, daily pull of all of the different reports,” said Austin Roper, VP of brand analytics at BetterBody Foods. 

On the other hand, he didn’t want to abandon all of its custom dashboards for a static, inflexible software partner. 

The solution: 

Intentwise Analytics Cloud gave Roper the flexibility he needed. Our software automated the data collection and organization process, and connected seamlessly to BetterBody Foods’ existing internal reports.

It was truly the best of both worlds. 

“Now all of a sudden, we could spend our time actually visualizing the data, analyzing the data,” Roper said. 

BetterBody Foods could now see data at a daily cadence instead of a weekly cadence. Let’s say the sales went up over the course of a single day. Thanks to Intentwise Analytics Cloud, he could quickly audit what happened—did the price change? Did a competitor go out of stock? 

BetterBody Foods has always focused on evaluating campaigns holistically, by factoring in data points like organic rank and click share. Not every product is going to have the same ROAS goals, after all. Products that already rank highly organically should have a higher ROAS than those that don’t.  

These data points usually live in silos—but Intentwise Analytics Cloud allowed BetterBody Foods to connect them without hassle. “We’ve actually been able to utilize these views with Intentwise basically being the engine behind keeping everything up to date,” Rope said. 

Intentwise Analytics Cloud made new views possible, too. BetterBody Foods now collects 30 new reports from Amazon that it didn’t before. 

Roper now includes net PPM data in his internal dashboards. He can also easily replicate each dashboard by country, allowing his team to instantly see US, UK, and Canada data together. 

With Intentwise, “we were able to duplicate that for the UK and Canada in 10 minutes,” Roper said. “Without Intentwise, that would have been a very, very big task to do.”

“Without Intentwise, reporting would have been a very, very big task to do.”
Austin Roper
VP of brand analytics, BetterBody Foods

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