How Better World Products Built A 360-Degree View of Client Data

Intentwise Analytics Cloud helped Better World speed up its reporting and see new insights that weren’t easily visible before.

Hours per month saved on reporting
Clients whose reporting is now automated

How Intentwise helped:

  • Unlocked an automatically refreshing Customer Life-Time Value dashboard that allowed Better World to make smarter advertising decisions
  • Created a combined Vendor + Seller report that took the hassle out of connecting different accounts
  • Saved 20+ hours per month on client reporting

The problem

For Keith Hartnett, the founder and CEO of the agency Better World Products, reporting to its clients used to be a major pain. 

Each month, Keith would log into each client’s Amazon account, screenshot the reports, and put them into a Word document for the client. 

Keith and his team had many other pressing priorities, so he couldn’t afford to waste time managing the technical side of reporting. 

For one client—a wholesaler with around 20 brands—Keith was taking three screenshots per page for every brand. That report alone took him 5 to 6 hours. 

“It just becomes a huge obstacle and a big stress point for everyone,” he said. 

The solution:

When Keith started using Intentwise Analytics Cloud, he was amazed by how fast the reporting process became. Our team built and manages the data pipelines for Better World Products, so that its reports populate with client data automatically.

Whereas Keith used to spend hours on a single client report, now, with Intentwise, “that takes like two seconds.”

Keith gets the reports from the Intentwise platform, customizes them as needed, and then opens them seamlessly in his preferred third-party visualization tool. 

Using Intentwise hasn’t just sped up the reporting process. It has also unlocked new data insights that have improved his high-level ads strategies. 

For one, Intentwise offers a combined Vendor + Seller report, which helps his clients who have a hybrid of Vendor Central and Seller Central accounts. Instead of trying to combine all of those reports by hand, Intentwise does it automatically.

Our Customer Life-Time Value report has also allowed Keith’s team to get smarter about its ad campaigns. If the CLTV is high, then his team can be more aggressive in bidding on ads, because that means customers will often repeat their purchase. 

Because of Intentwise’s CLTV reports, “we can definitely justify running a higher ACOS than we used to in the past,” he said. Before Intentwise, Keith’s team was unable to justify running an ACOS above 30%, but now they can see when the CLTV justifies a higher ACOS as part of a more data-informed customer acquisition strategy. 

Intentwise just makes it easy to confidently craft these more sophisticated strategies. Our powerful reports also help convince clients that his team is making the right call.  

When it comes to a high ACOS, “beforehand, we would never be able to communicate to a client that that’s okay,” Keith said. But with the benefit of these new views of Customer Life-Time Value, “now we can actually make the argument that the numbers do add up,” he said. 

“We can actually make the argument to our clients that the numbers do add up.”
Keith Hartnett
CEO of Better World Products

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